"Pamela Curtis" on Beyond the Gates airing February 24th on CBS
Director: "Just a Yellow Cab in New York City" by Youlim Nam
at The Chain Winter One Act Festival
"A highlight of the festival" - Chain Theater
Producer/ Actor: "Orson's Shadow" by Austin Pendleton
"An exceptional historic remounting..." - SplashMags
"McClain... perfectly captures a swingin’ 60s London vibe..." - Theater Pizazz
Director: "The Park" by Eric Conger at MTC Creative Center
"The play is great, it had a wonderful cast, the direction was great and the whole event was terrific. A triumph!" - Jamie Richards, head of the EST Happy Hour and professor at Duke University
Actor: Law and Order SVU working alongside Mark Borkowski (Boardwalk Empire), Kevin Kane and IceT.
Artistic Director: Axial Theatre
Now teaching group and private classes in NYC
Photo by Leslie Hassler